The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) is one of the oldest organisations within Australia and has been going for over 100 years. NECA Victoria is the Victorian branch of NECA National.
The purpose of NECA is to support business owners and managers within the electrical and communications industry. The association offers resources that cover Human Resources Industrial Relations, Enterprise Bargaining Agreements and anything to do with running a business; essentially offering advocacy for employers.
Russell Chatfield has been a proud NECA Victoria member for over 25 years and during his time with NECA Victoria, Russell has been an active member and held a number of positions including NECA Counsellor (Board member) since 2008, and Vice President of this board for five years. Russell has also held the position of Counsellor for the NECA National Board and served as a FAR committee member.
This year Russell received the honour of being recognised and elevated to the membership status of Honorary Member.
The achievement of becoming an Honorary Member is an acknowledgement of the service that a member has given back to the community. Russell is extremely passionate about the electrical industry and as the director of Chatfield OzCool he has first-hand experience in business operations and the challenges that other employers may face.
In February 2024, NECA Victoria held an event honouring new and milestone memberships for NECA Victoria members. This event was called Milestone Moments and held on 22nd February at the Melbourne Skydeck, located in Southbank. The cityscape cocktail party was a stunning backdrop for this event that allowed NECA Victoria members, both new and old, to come together and share their experience and knowledge within the industry.

Russell plans to continue his work with NECA Vic. including his current position on the Finance, Audit & Risk Committee, which is a subcommittee of NECA Vic., assessing the compliance and risk of the NECA Vic. business.
To learn more about NECA Vic, click here.
The team at Chatfield OzCool are available to assist with cooling and refrigeration equipment service and repairs, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have.
If you would like to find out how we could help you, please give the team at Chatfield OzCool a call on 1300 361 186.
Click here to see what other services Chatfield OzCool can offer.