1Call Facility Management is a company that oversees the safety and maintenance of numerous large residential buildings and developments.
When did 1call Facility Management engage Chatfield OzCool?
Chatfield OzCool originally installed the cooling and ventilation systems on a large apartment building that was under construction and managed by 1call Facility Management. After the construction was complete, Chatfield OzCool undertook all the warranty service and repairs of equipment during the equipment warranty period. Once the warranty period finished, 1call Facility Management engaged Chatfield OzCool to take on the monthly maintenance of this site.

Chatfield OzCool now takes care of monthly, essential services management requirements. This involves testing the operations of all essential services equipment, such as: starting up the fans to ensure they are functioning; cleaning the filters for the lobby fresh air ventilation system; testing the stairwell pressurisation system.
These checks are all performed to ensure that the equipment is functioning and operational, in case of emergency.
Another part of the essential services facility management is a full fire test, to be conducted annually. This is performed in tandem with a fire company attendance. Chatfield OzCool coordinates this so that a full-scale essential services simulation can be conducted, to ensure equipment performance and compliance.

Since Chatfield OzCool started taking care of the first apartment building complex, 1call Facility Management have had great feedback from their clients, and now entrust Chatfield OzCool to maintain a number of their other properties. So satisfied are 1Call Facility Management with Chatfield OzCool’s service, they have referred more of their facilities over to Chatfield OzCool, even buildings that were serviced by other companies have now moved over to be serviced exclusively by Chatfield OzCool. A glowing endorsement indeed.

“1call Facility Management work for the Owners Corporation at large Residential Buildings. Ensuring the operational elements of the building are maintained and running well, along with the presentation of the building, which is home to many people.
We know buildings managed by the owner’s corporation are a community, and at 1call we understand and care about our communities. We listen to owners and residents’ concerns and provide workable solutions that enable informed decision making.
This does not happen without excellent contractors performing their scheduled maintenance on time and to a high standard, and proactively keeping us informed of any concerns or recommended replacements or upgrades that need to be considered.
Chatfield OzCool have, over many years, provided such a service to complexes that we manage and in all the buildings that they were engaged at, they have been retained since they commenced.”

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