Who are Platinum FM?
Platinum FM are a facility management company that monitor and implement the maintenance and service requirements of all 7-Eleven stores across Victoria.
When did Platinum FM engage Chatfield OzCool?
Chatfield OzCool first started working with Platinum FM nearly 15 years ago! Since that time, they have seen many changes in the maintenance requirements, but Chatfield OzCool have always been able to adapt and maintain servicing reliability.

What is involved with the monthly maintenance?
In short, if it is equipment that heats or cools, Chatfield OzCool are responsible for servicing and maintaining it. Chatfield service multiple pieces of equipment onsite, such as: multiple cooling and refrigeration units, including air conditioning units, freezers (display and chest), benchtop refrigeration units (sandwich/doughnut cases), pie warmers and microwaves.
Chatfield OzCool perform monthly ongoing servicing to a large number of Melbourne stores, but as a vital part of the maintenance, the Chatfield OzCool service technicians can assess and advise if any equipment is coming to the end of its life. These ongoing assessments and recommendations are vital to reducing business interruption, by ensuring that potential mechanical breakdowns are prevented by timely equipment replacements.
With a focus on energy efficiency and environmental impact, Chatfield OzCool have also been involved in new environmental initiatives trialling at certain stores. Chatfield OzCool were able to propose adjustments to existing equipment that promote improved energy efficiency. From this trusted and respected working relationship, Chatfield OzCool have also been able to offer industry expertise to Platinum FM to help with the planning of proposed works.
Hear what Platinum FM have to say about working with Chatfield OzCool
“Platinum FM manage Chatfield Ozcool on behalf of 7Eleven. Chatfield Ozcool provide 24-7 HVAC and refrigeration services to over 100 7-Eleven stores throughout Victoria. The service delivery consists of reactive maintenance, corrective maintenance, preventative maintenance and air-con and refrigeration capex upgrades.
It’s very much a long-term partnership between the 7Eleven, Platinum FM and Chatfield Ozcool. The service delivery model is strongly focused on an asset management approach to maintaining key retail assets. Chatfield Ozcool’s performance is measured against a set of key metrics, a few of those KPI’s are up time (operational time/duty time) of equipment, response, and rectification time frames, first time fix and spare parts inventory of key retail assets.”
Travis Isard
Service Delivery Manager Vic 7-Eleven Account
Platinum FM
If you would like to find out more about the team at Chatfield OzCool, give us a call on 1300 361 186
Click here to see what other services Chatfield OzCool can offer.