Spring is a time for rolling fields of stunning flowers, new life and the warmer weather starting to break through, offering relief from the winter freeze.
However, for allergy sufferers, it can mean sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose!
While we may not have all the answers to make allergy sufferers’ lives easier, we are happy to share some tips that may help reduce allergens while indoors.

We’ve always advocated for keeping your filters clean and free from dust as this keeps your machinery operating at optimal performance, but in Spring allergy sufferers can benefit from clean filters as it reduces the amount of dust and pollen that can be trapped and blown through the cooling vents.
Tips to help seasonal allergy sufferers in Spring:
– Keep your doors and windows closed to prevent pollen drifting indoors. This also helps your air-conditioning unit to operate effectively.
– Clean your air-conditioning filters to reduce the amount of dust being blown around indoors.
– Wipe over your air vents with a damp cloth to remove any dust that has built up over the vent covers. A damp cloth will stop the dust simply flying around when you wipe the vents over.
– Have your air-conditioning unit serviced to ensure it’s working as it should as a unit that is not operating properly can increase running costs and lead to breakdown, which could cause your eyes to water due to unexpected costs, not allergies!

Spring is a time to be enjoyed, and by following a few practical steps, hopefully you can enjoy springtime by keeping your dust allergies at bay when indoors.
The team at Chatfield OzCool are also available to assist with cooling and refrigeration equipment service and repairs, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have.
If you would like to find out how we could help you, please give the team at Chatfield OzCool a call on 1300 361 186.