The team at Chatfield OzCool are always happy to help if you need assistance with an underperforming residential air conditioner.
However, we want to let you in on a little secret that may completely change the performance of your existing air conditioner.
You may have heard us say this before, but…. have you tried cleaning the filters?
Hear us out!
If you’ve noticed that your air-conditioner seems to be struggling on these warm January days you may not be imagining things, it could be that your unit legitimately is struggling due to a build-up of debris on your air conditioning filters.

A vital part of the air conditioning function is to be able to bring air through the filters to pump through the air conditioning system. If those filters are clogged and restrict the amount of air entering the unit, the motor on the air-conditioner will have to work harder to suck air through the screen that is blocked, hence your air conditioning system is working harder but with less output. This means the unit will be costing you more money to run and causing unnecessary wear and tear on your mechanical parts, and worst of all, it is not cooling you down when you need it most!
So, what is the simplest solution to improve the performance of a struggling air conditioning unit?
Simply remove your filters and give them a good old fashioned clean!
Whether it be by vacuuming the dust or if they are small enough, you can even rinse them under water in your sink, just be sure they are dry before you refit them to your unit.

It is recommended that this maintenance is done monthly, however we are all guilty of letting this task full by the wayside, but it’s never too late, the sooner you clean your filters, the better.
What is the next step?
If, after you have cleaned the filters, your air-conditioner is still not performing as expected, then it may be time to contact Chatfield OzCool and organise a technician to service your unit.
By taking the first steps to properly clean your filters you have already performed the most common (and easily resolved) troubleshooting issue which can save you time and money by rectifying an issue before a technician is required.
The team at Chatfield OzCool are available to answer any questions you may have regarding your air conditioning and refrigeration equipment purchases.
If would like to find out how we could help you, please give the team at Chatfield OzCool a call on 1300 361 186